Source code for torchopt.visual

# Copyright 2022-2024 MetaOPT Team. All Rights Reserved.
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# ==============================================================================
# This file is modified from:
# ==============================================================================
"""Computation graph visualization."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generator, Iterable, Mapping, cast

import torch
from graphviz import Digraph

from torchopt import pytree
from torchopt.utils import ModuleState

    from torchopt.typing import TensorTree

__all__ = ['make_dot', 'resize_graph']

# Saved attrs for grad_fn (incl. saved variables) begin with `._saved_*`
SAVED_PREFIX = '_saved_'

def get_fn_name(fn: Any, show_attrs: bool, max_attr_chars: int) -> str:
    """Return function name."""
    name = str(type(fn).__name__)
    if not show_attrs:
        return name
    attrs = {}
    for attr in dir(fn):
        if not attr.startswith(SAVED_PREFIX):
        val = getattr(fn, attr)
        attr = attr[len(SAVED_PREFIX) :]
        if isinstance(val, torch.Tensor):
            attrs[attr] = '[saved tensor]'
        elif isinstance(val, tuple) and any(isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) for t in val):
            attrs[attr] = '[saved tensors]'
            attrs[attr] = str(val)
    if not attrs:
        return name
    max_attr_chars = max(max_attr_chars, 3)
    col1width = max(map(len, attrs))
    col2width = min(max(len(str(v)) for v in attrs.values()), max_attr_chars)
    sep = '-' * max(col1width + col2width + 2, len(name))
    attrstr = '%-' + str(col1width) + 's: %' + str(col2width) + 's'

    def truncate(s: str) -> str:  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        return s[: col2width - 3] + '...' if len(s) > col2width else s

    params = '\n'.join(attrstr % (k, truncate(str(v))) for (k, v) in attrs.items())
    return name + '\n' + sep + '\n' + params

# pylint: disable-next=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals
[docs] def make_dot( # noqa: C901 var: TensorTree, params: ( Mapping[str, torch.Tensor] | ModuleState | Generator | Iterable[Mapping[str, torch.Tensor] | ModuleState | Generator] | None ) = None, show_attrs: bool = False, show_saved: bool = False, max_attr_chars: int = 50, ) -> Digraph: """Produce Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph. If a node represents a backward function, it is gray. Otherwise, the node represents a tensor and is either blue, orange, or green: - **Blue** Reachable leaf tensors that requires grad (tensors whose ``grad`` fields will be populated during :meth:`backward`). - **Orange** Saved tensors of custom autograd functions as well as those saved by built-in backward nodes. - **Green** Tensor passed in as outputs. - **Dark green** If any output is a view, we represent its base tensor with a dark green node. Args: var (Tensor or sequence of Tensor): Output tensor. params: (dict[str, Tensor], ModuleState, iterable of tuple[str, Tensor], or None, optional): Parameters to add names to node that requires grad. (default: :data:`None`) show_attrs (bool, optional): Whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes. (default: :data:`False`) show_saved (bool, optional): Whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (default: :data:`False`) max_attr_chars (int, optional): If ``show_attrs`` is :data:`True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. (default: :const:`50`) """ param_map = {} if params is not None: if isinstance(params, ModuleState) and params.visual_contents is not None: param_map.update(params.visual_contents) elif isinstance(params, Mapping): param_map.update({v: k for k, v in params.items()}) elif isinstance(params, Generator): param_map.update({v: k for k, v in params}) else: for param in params: if isinstance(param, ModuleState) and param.visual_contents is not None: param_map.update(param.visual_contents) elif isinstance(param, Generator): param_map.update({v: k for k, v in param}) else: param_map.update({v: k for k, v in cast(Mapping, param).items()}) node_attr = { 'style': 'filled', 'shape': 'box', 'align': 'left', 'fontsize': '10', 'ranksep': '0.1', 'height': '0.2', 'fontname': 'monospace', } dot = Digraph(node_attr=node_attr, graph_attr={'size': '12,12'}) seen = set() def size_to_str(size: tuple[int, ...]) -> str: return '(' + (', ').join(map(str, size)) + ')' def get_var_name(var: torch.Tensor, name: str | None = None) -> str: if not name: name = param_map.get(var, '') return f'{name}\n{size_to_str(var.size())}' def get_var_name_with_flag(var: torch.Tensor) -> str | None: if var in param_map: return f'{param_map[var][0]}\n{size_to_str(param_map[var][1].size())}' return None def add_nodes(fn: Any) -> None: # noqa: C901 # pylint: disable=too-many-branches assert not isinstance(fn, torch.Tensor) if fn in seen: return seen.add(fn) if show_saved: for attr in dir(fn): if not attr.startswith(SAVED_PREFIX): continue val = getattr(fn, attr) seen.add(val) attr = attr[len(SAVED_PREFIX) :] if isinstance(val, torch.Tensor): dot.edge(str(id(fn)), str(id(val)), dir='none') dot.node(str(id(val)), get_var_name(val, attr), fillcolor='orange') if isinstance(val, tuple): for i, t in enumerate(val): if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor): name = f'{attr}[{i}]' dot.edge(str(id(fn)), str(id(t)), dir='none') dot.node(str(id(t)), get_var_name(t, name), fillcolor='orange') if hasattr(fn, 'variable'): # if grad_accumulator, add the node for `.variable` var = fn.variable seen.add(var) dot.node(str(id(var)), get_var_name(var), fillcolor='lightblue') dot.edge(str(id(var)), str(id(fn))) fn_name = get_fn_name(fn, show_attrs, max_attr_chars) fn_fillcolor = None var_name = get_var_name_with_flag(fn) if var_name is not None: fn_name = f'{fn_name}\n{var_name}' fn_fillcolor = 'lightblue' # add the node for this grad_fn dot.node(str(id(fn)), fn_name, fillcolor=fn_fillcolor) # recurse if hasattr(fn, 'next_functions'): for u in fn.next_functions: if u[0] is not None: dot.edge(str(id(u[0])), str(id(fn))) add_nodes(u[0]) # note: this used to show .saved_tensors in pytorch0.2, but stopped # working* as it was moved to ATen and Variable-Tensor merged # also note that this still works for custom autograd functions if hasattr(fn, 'saved_tensors'): for t in fn.saved_tensors: dot.edge(str(id(t)), str(id(fn))) dot.node(str(id(t)), get_var_name(t), fillcolor='orange') def add_base_tensor( v: torch.Tensor, # pylint: disable=invalid-name color: str = 'darkolivegreen1', ) -> None: if v in seen: return seen.add(v) dot.node(str(id(v)), get_var_name(v), fillcolor=color) if v.grad_fn: add_nodes(v.grad_fn) dot.edge(str(id(v.grad_fn)), str(id(v))) # pylint: disable=protected-access if v._is_view(): add_base_tensor(v._base, color='darkolivegreen3') # type: ignore[arg-type] dot.edge(str(id(v._base)), str(id(v)), style='dotted') # handle multiple outputs pytree.tree_map_(add_base_tensor, var) resize_graph(dot) return dot
def resize_graph(dot: Digraph, size_per_element: float = 0.5, min_size: float = 12.0) -> None: """Resize the graph according to how much content it contains. Modify the graph in place. """ # Get the approximate number of nodes and edges num_rows = len(dot.body) content_size = num_rows * size_per_element size = max(min_size, content_size) size_str = str(size) + ',' + str(size) dot.graph_attr.update(size=size_str)