Source code for torchopt.optim.func.base

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"""Functional optimizer wrappers."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import torch

from torchopt.base import GradientTransformation, UninitializedState
from torchopt.update import apply_updates

    from torchopt.typing import OptState, Params

__all__ = ['FuncOptimizer']

[docs] class FuncOptimizer: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A wrapper class to hold the functional optimizer. This wrapper makes it easier to maintain the optimizer states. The optimizer states are held by the wrapper internally. The wrapper provides a :meth:`step` function to compute the gradients and update the parameters. See Also: - The functional AdaDelta optimizer: :func:`torchopt.adadelta`. - The functional AdaGrad optimizer: :func:`torchopt.adagrad`. - The functional Adam optimizer: :func:`torchopt.adam`. - The functional AdamW optimizer: :func:`torchopt.adamw`. - The functional AdaMax optimizer: :func:`torchopt.adamax`. - The functional RAdam optimizer: :func:`torchopt.radam`. - The functional RMSprop optimizer: :func:`torchopt.rmsprop`. - The functional SGD optimizer: :func:`torchopt.sgd`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, impl: GradientTransformation, *, inplace: bool = False) -> None: r"""Initialize the functional optimizer wrapper. Args: impl (GradientTransformation): A low level optimizer function, it could be a optimizer function provided in :mod:`torchopt.alias` or a customized :func:`torchopt.chain`\ed transformation. inplace (bool, optional): The default value of ``inplace`` for each optimization update. (default: :data:`False`) """ if not isinstance(impl, GradientTransformation): raise TypeError(f'{impl} (type: {type(impl).__name__}) is not a GradientTransformation') self.impl: GradientTransformation = impl self.optim_state: OptState | None = UninitializedState() self.inplace: bool = bool(inplace)
[docs] def step( self, loss: torch.Tensor, params: Params, inplace: bool | None = None, ) -> Params: r"""Compute the gradients of loss to the network parameters and update network parameters. Graph of the derivative will be constructed, allowing to compute higher order derivative products. We use the differentiable optimizer (pass argument inplace=False) to scale the gradients and update the network parameters without modifying tensors in-place. Args: loss (Tensor): The loss that is used to compute the gradients to network parameters. params (tree of Tensor): An tree of :class:`torch.Tensor`\s. Specifies what tensors should be optimized. inplace (bool or None, optional): Whether to update the parameters in-place. If :data:`None`, use the default value specified in the constructor. (default: :data:`None`) """ if isinstance(self.optim_state, UninitializedState): self.optim_state = self.impl.init(params) if inplace is None: inplace = self.inplace # Step parameter only grads = torch.autograd.grad(loss, params, create_graph=True, allow_unused=True) updates, self.optim_state = self.impl.update( grads, self.optim_state, params=params, inplace=inplace, ) return apply_updates(params, updates, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> OptState: """Extract the references of the optimizer states. Note that the states are references, so any in-place operations will change the states inside :class:`FuncOptimizer` at the same time. """ return self.optim_state
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: OptState) -> None: """Load the references of the optimizer states.""" self.optim_state = state_dict