Source code for torchopt.optim.adam

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"""Adam optimizer."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable

from torchopt import alias
from torchopt.optim.base import Optimizer

    import torch

    from torchopt.typing import ScalarOrSchedule

__all__ = ['Adam']

[docs] class Adam(Optimizer): """The classic Adam optimizer. See Also: - The functional Adam optimizer: :func:`torchopt.adam`. - The differentiable meta-Adam optimizer: :class:`torchopt.MetaAdam`. """ # pylint: disable-next=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, params: Iterable[torch.Tensor], lr: ScalarOrSchedule = 1e-3, betas: tuple[float, float] = (0.9, 0.999), eps: float = 1e-8, weight_decay: float = 0.0, *, eps_root: float = 0.0, maximize: bool = False, use_accelerated_op: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Initialize the Adam optimizer. Args: params (iterable of Tensor): An iterable of :class:`torch.Tensor`\s. Specifies what tensors should be optimized. lr (float or callable, optional): This is a fixed global scaling factor or a learning rate scheduler. (default: :const:`1e-3`) betas (tuple of float, optional): Coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square. (default: :const:`(0.9, 0.999)`) eps (float, optional): A small constant applied to denominator outside of the square root (as in the Adam paper) to avoid dividing by zero when rescaling. (default: :const:`1e-8`) weight_decay (float, optional): Weight decay, add L2 penalty to parameters. (default: :const:`0.0`) eps_root (float, optional): A small constant applied to denominator inside the square root (as in RMSProp), to avoid dividing by zero when rescaling. This is needed for example when computing (meta-)gradients through Adam. (default: :const:`0.0`) moment_requires_grad (bool, optional): If :data:`True` the momentums will be created with flag ``requires_grad=True``, this flag is often used in Meta-Learning algorithms. (default: :data:`False`) maximize (bool, optional): Maximize the params based on the objective, instead of minimizing. (default: :data:`False`) use_accelerated_op (bool, optional): If :data:`True` use our implemented fused operator. (default: :data:`False`) """ super().__init__( params, alias.adam( lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay, eps_root=eps_root, moment_requires_grad=False, maximize=maximize, use_accelerated_op=use_accelerated_op, ), )