# Copyright 2022-2024 MetaOPT Team. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ==============================================================================
"""Distributed APIs."""
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import sys
from typing import (
import torch
import torch.distributed.rpc as rpc
from torchopt import pytree
from torchopt.distributed.world import get_worker_id, get_world_rank, get_world_size
from torchopt.typing import Future
__all__ = [
UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT = rpc.api.UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT if rpc.is_available() else -1.0
T = TypeVar('T')
U = TypeVar('U')
Args = Tuple[Any, ...]
KwArgs = Dict[str, Any]
PartitionFunction = Callable[..., Sequence[Tuple[int, Optional[Args], Optional[KwArgs]]]]
Partitioner = Union[int, str, PartitionFunction]
class TensorDimensionPartitioner:
"""Partitioner class that partitions a batch of inputs along a given dimension.
All tensors in the ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will be partitioned along the dimension ``dim``,
while the non-tensor values will be broadcasted to partitions.
dim (int): The dimension to partition.
exclusive (bool, optional): Whether to partition the batch exclusively. (default: :data:`False`)
If :data:`True`, the batch will be partitioned into ``batch_size`` partitions, where
``batch_size`` is the size of the batch along the given dimension. Each batch sample
will be assigned to a separate RPC call.
If :data:`False`, the batch will be partitioned into ``min(batch_size, num_workers)``
partitions, where ``num_workers`` is the number of workers in the world. When
``batch_size > num_workers``, there can be multiple batch samples forward in a single
RPC call.
keepdim (bool, optional): Whether to keep the partitioned dimension. (default: :data:`True`)
If :data:`True`, keep the batch dimension. If :data:`False`, use select instead of
slicing. This functionality should be used with ``exclusive=True``.
workers (sequence of int or str, or None, optional): The workers to partition the batch to.
If :data:`None`, the batch will be partitioned to all workers in the world.
(default: :data:`None`)
def __init__(
dim: int,
exclusive: bool = False,
keepdim: bool = False,
workers: Sequence[int | str] | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the partitioner instance."""
if not keepdim and not exclusive:
raise ValueError('keepdim=False should be used with exclusive=True.')
self.dim = dim
self.exclusive = exclusive
self.keepdim = keepdim
self.workers = workers
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
def __call__( # noqa: C901
*args: Any,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> list[tuple[int, Args | None, KwArgs | None]]:
"""Partition the batch of inputs along the given dimension."""
if self.workers is None:
workers = list(range(get_world_size()))
workers = list(map(get_worker_id, self.workers))
num_workers = len(workers)
args_tree = (args, kwargs)
flat_args: list[Any]
flat_args, treespec = pytree.tree_flatten(args_tree) # type: ignore[arg-type]
batch_size = None
for arg in flat_args:
if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor):
if batch_size is None:
batch_size = arg.shape[self.dim]
elif batch_size != arg.shape[self.dim]: # type: ignore[unreachable]
raise ValueError(
f'Batch size mismatch on dim={self.dim}. '
f'Expected {batch_size}, got {arg.shape[self.dim]} (shape: {arg.shape}).',
if batch_size is None:
return [(get_world_rank(), args, kwargs.copy())]
dim_slices: list[int | slice]
batch_slices: list[tuple[int | slice | Ellipsis.__class__, ...]] # type: ignore[name-defined]
if self.exclusive:
num_replicas = batch_size
if self.keepdim:
dim_slices = [slice(i, i + 1) for i in range(num_replicas)]
dim_slices = list(range(num_replicas))
if batch_size <= num_workers:
num_replicas = batch_size
dim_slices = [slice(i, i + 1) for i in range(batch_size)] # keepdim=True
num_replicas = num_workers
local_size = batch_size // num_workers
local_batch_indices = [i * local_size for i in range(num_workers)] + [batch_size]
dim_slices = [
slice(local_batch_indices[i], local_batch_indices[i + 1])
for i in range(num_workers)
if self.dim >= 0:
batch_slices = [
(slice(None, None),) * self.dim + (dim_slice,) for dim_slice in dim_slices
elif self.dim < 0:
batch_slices = [
+ (slice(None, None),) * (-self.dim - 1)
for dim_slice in dim_slices
flat_args_replicas: list[list[Any]] = [[] for _ in range(num_replicas)]
for arg in flat_args:
if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor):
for i, batch_slice in enumerate(batch_slices):
for i in range(num_replicas):
args_replicas: list[tuple[Args, KwArgs]] = [
pytree.tree_unflatten(treespec, args_replica) # type: ignore[misc]
for args_replica in flat_args_replicas
return [
(workers[i % num_workers], worker_args, worker_kwargs)
for i, (worker_args, worker_kwargs) in enumerate(args_replicas)
def __reduce__(
) -> tuple[
Callable[..., TensorDimensionPartitioner],
dict[str, bool | Sequence[int | str] | None],
"""Return a tuple that allows the partitioner to be pickled."""
return (
{'exclusive': self.exclusive, 'keepdim': self.keepdim, 'workers': self.workers},
def dim_partitioner(
dim: int = 0,
exclusive: bool = False,
keepdim: bool = True,
workers: Sequence[int | str] | None = None,
) -> PartitionFunction:
"""Partition a batch of inputs along a given dimension.
All tensors in the ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will be partitioned along the dimension ``dim``,
while the non-tensor values will be broadcasted to partitions.
dim (int, optional): The dimension to partition. (default: :const:`0`)
exclusive (bool, optional): Whether to partition the batch exclusively. (default: :data:`False`)
If :data:`True`, the batch will be partitioned into ``batch_size`` partitions, where
``batch_size`` is the size of the batch along the given dimension. Each batch sample
will be assigned to a separate RPC call.
If :data:`False`, the batch will be partitioned into ``min(batch_size, num_workers)``
partitions, where ``num_workers`` is the number of workers in the world. When
``batch_size > num_workers``, there can be multiple batch samples forward in a single
RPC call.
keepdim (bool, optional): Whether to keep the partitioned dimension. (default: :data:`False`)
If :data:`True`, keep the batch dimension. If :data:`False`, use select instead of
slicing. This functionality should be used with ``exclusive=True``.
workers (sequence of int or str, or None, optional): The workers to partition the batch to.
If :data:`None`, the batch will be partitioned to all workers in the world.
(default: :data:`None`)
A partition function.
return TensorDimensionPartitioner(dim, exclusive=exclusive, keepdim=keepdim, workers=workers)
batch_partitioner: PartitionFunction = dim_partitioner(dim=0, keepdim=True, exclusive=False)
"""Partitioner for batch dimension. Divide and replicates the arguments to all workers along the first dimension.
The batch will be partitioned into ``min(batch_size, num_workers)`` partitions, where
``num_workers`` is the number of workers in the world.
When ``batch_size > num_workers``, there can be multiple batch samples forward in a single RPC call.
All tensors in the ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will be partitioned along the dimension ``dim``,
while the non-tensor values will be broadcasted to partitions.
exclusive_batch_partitioner: PartitionFunction = dim_partitioner(dim=0, keepdim=True, exclusive=True) # fmt: skip
"""Partitioner for batch dimension. Divide and replicates the arguments to all workers along the first dimension.
Each batch sample will be assigned to a separate RPC call.
All tensors in the ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will be partitioned along the dimension ``dim``,
while the non-tensor values will be broadcasted to partitions.
def mean_reducer(results: Iterable[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Reduce the results by averaging them."""
return torch.mean(torch.stack(tuple(results), dim=0), dim=0)
def sum_reducer(results: Iterable[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Reduce the results by summing them."""
return torch.sum(torch.stack(tuple(results), dim=0), dim=0)
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-arguments
def remote_async_call(
func: Callable[..., T],
args: Args | None = None,
kwargs: KwArgs | None = None,
partitioner: Partitioner | None = None,
reducer: Callable[[Iterable[T]], U] | None = None,
timeout: float | None = UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT,
) -> Future[list[T]] | Future[U]:
"""Asynchronously do an RPC on remote workers and return the a :class:`torch.Future` instance at the current worker.
func (callable): The function to call.
args (tuple of object or None, optional): The arguments to pass to the function.
(default: :data:`None`)
kwargs (dict[str, object] or None, optional): The keyword arguments to pass to the function.
(default: :data:`None`)
partitioner (int, str, or callable, optional): A partitioner that partitions the arguments
to multiple workers. (default: :func:`batch_partitioner`)
reducer (callable or None, optional): A reducer that reduces the results from multiple
workers. If :data:`None`, do not reduce the results. (default: :data:`None`)
timeout (float, optional): The timeout for the RPC call.
(default: :data:`rpc.api.UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT`)
A :class:`torch.Future` instance for the result. The result is at the current worker.
if args is None:
args = ()
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
if partitioner is None:
partitioner = batch_partitioner
if isinstance(partitioner, (int, str)):
partitions = [(get_worker_id(id=partitioner), args, kwargs)]
elif callable(partitioner):
partitions = partitioner(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore[assignment]
raise TypeError(f'Invalid partitioner: {partitioner!r}.')
futures = []
for rank, worker_args, worker_kwargs in partitions:
fut = rpc.rpc_async(rank, func, args=worker_args, kwargs=worker_kwargs, timeout=timeout)
future = cast(
torch.futures.collect_all(futures).then(lambda fut: [f.wait() for f in fut.wait()]),
if reducer is not None:
return cast(
future.then(lambda fut: reducer(fut.wait())),
return future
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-arguments
def remote_sync_call(
func: Callable[..., T],
args: Args | None = None,
kwargs: KwArgs | None = None,
partitioner: Partitioner | None = None,
reducer: Callable[[Iterable[T]], U] | None = None,
timeout: float | None = UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT,
) -> list[T] | U:
"""Do an RPC synchronously on remote workers and return the result to the current worker.
func (callable): The function to call.
args (tuple of object or None, optional): The arguments to pass to the function.
(default: :data:`None`)
kwargs (dict[str, object] or None, optional): The keyword arguments to pass to the function.
(default: :data:`None`)
partitioner (int, str, or callable, optional): A partitioner that partitions the arguments
to multiple workers. (default: :func:`batch_partitioner`)
reducer (callable or None, optional): A reducer that reduces the results from multiple
workers. If :data:`None`, do not reduce the results. (default: :data:`None`)
timeout (float, optional): The timeout for the RPC call.
(default: :data:`rpc.api.UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT`)
The result of the RPC call. The result is at the current worker.
return remote_async_call(
def parallelize_async(
partitioner: Partitioner | None = None,
reducer: Callable[[Iterable[T]], U] | None = None,
timeout: float | None = UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT,
) -> Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., Future[list[T]] | Future[U]]]:
"""Return a decorator for parallelizing a function.
This decorator can be used to parallelize a function call across multiple workers. The
function will be called asynchronously on remote workers. The decorated function will
return a :class:`torch.Future` instance of the result.
partitioner (int, str, or callable, optional): A partitioner that partitions the arguments
to multiple workers. (default: :func:`batch_partitioner`)
reducer (callable or None, optional): A reducer that reduces the results from multiple
workers. If :data:`None`, do not reduce the results. (default: :data:`None`)
timeout (float, optional): The timeout for the RPC call.
(default: :data:`rpc.api.UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT`)
The decorator function.
if partitioner is None:
partitioner = batch_partitioner
if reducer is None:
reducer = mean_reducer # type: ignore[assignment]
def wrapper(func: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., Future[list[T]] | Future[U]]:
def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Future[list[T]] | Future[U]:
return remote_async_call(
suffix = '__parallelize_async_unwrapped__'
module_name = func.__module__
name = func.__qualname__
except AttributeError:
name = func.__name__
func.__qualname__ = f'{func.__qualname__}{suffix}'
func.__name__ = f'{func.__name__}{suffix}'
__import__(module_name, level=0)
module = sys.modules[module_name]
setattr(module, f'{name}{suffix}', func)
return wrapped
return wrapper
def parallelize(
partitioner: Partitioner | None = None,
reducer: Callable[[Iterable[T]], U] | None = None,
timeout: float | None = UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT,
) -> Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., list[T] | U]]:
"""Return a decorator for parallelizing a function.
This decorator can be used to parallelize a function call across multiple workers.
partitioner (int, str, or callable, optional): A partitioner that partitions the arguments
to multiple workers. (default: :func:`batch_partitioner`)
reducer (callable or None, optional): A reducer that reduces the results from multiple
workers. If :data:`None`, do not reduce the results. (default: :data:`None`)
timeout (float, optional): The timeout for the RPC call.
(default: :data:`rpc.api.UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT`)
The decorator function.
if partitioner is None:
partitioner = batch_partitioner
if reducer is None:
reducer = mean_reducer # type: ignore[assignment]
def wrapper(func: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., list[T] | U]:
def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> list[T] | U:
return remote_sync_call(
suffix = '__parallelize_unwrapped__'
module_name = func.__module__
name = func.__qualname__
except AttributeError:
name = func.__name__
func.__qualname__ = f'{func.__qualname__}{suffix}'
func.__name__ = f'{func.__name__}{suffix}'
__import__(module_name, level=0)
module = sys.modules[module_name]
setattr(module, f'{name}{suffix}', func)
return wrapped
return wrapper
parallelize_sync = parallelize